Saturday, October 21, 2006

check out that little boy behind me, i didnt even notice while snapping this. freaky huh!!
my poor darling gracia got cut out of the pic due to my lousy phone cam :(
EEEEEeeeeks. pus. pus. pus.
thanks gracia for saving my leg :)
Dear Ms Rachel Dutchman,
Our most sincere apologies for your bad experience at popeyes. Upon receiving your comments, the staff in question has been cautioned to be more attentive and polite to our guests. Such behavior will not be tolerated, and disciplinary action will be taken to any who did not follow. In addition, trainings will be conducted on a regular basis. Please be assured that we will continually strive to provide better services to all our guests.
Once again, our apologies and thank you for taking time to bring your comments to our attention.
Best Regards,
Collin Lai
The Popeyes Team
SSP Singapore
look what we've done, boy. but i certainly hope popeye's service will improve!
Monday, October 16, 2006
on a hiatus. not too long i hope.
i'll be back. till then :)