Saturday, December 09, 2006

A not very sunny day spent at sentosa though. a missed opportunity for the golden tan that we always crave for :( still, i enjoyed the times spent with my baby gracia. haha as usual, we were snapping away in our swimming suits.
MISS YOU SWEET!! i'm typing this while you're on the plane, somewhere out there in the sky! Have lots of fun in taiwan and plssssss bring back some brochures for me and take good care of dear camera k? LOVEE

Cos-played with qianyu after work last night. not really cos-play in fact, they had some english-speaking neoprint machine at cineleisure, so we painfully paid a hefty $15 to take the neoprints!! :) It was lots of fun changing into the costumes and playing with the props. haha and darling qianyu was playing with me like the CINDERELLA movie we've watched earlier on.
okay CINDERELLA was kinda sick. initially when qianyu asked if i wanted to watch CINDERELLA, i agreed w/o hesitation cos i thought it was some romance, happy-ending movie like MY SASSY GIRL, or something along that line. But never did i realise that it's a horror movie, so when i went to the theatre, i asked qianyu if we were in the wrong theatre cos the first few scenes were ultimately gory. haha but pretty worthwhile for the thrill :)

okay so i finally started work at Health Promotion Board after my trip to bangkok, oh speaking of bangkok!! haha shopping spree i'd say, my wardrobe is going to BAO anytime. okay i'll post the pics soon. very soon.

okay so i finally started work at Health Promotion Board after my trip to bangkok, oh speaking of bangkok!! haha shopping spree i'd say, my wardrobe is going to BAO anytime. okay i'll post the pics soon. very soon.
anyway, working at HPB is no no no easy. tedious and monotonous work. checking the PAR against the HPX AND DT. arghh all the rubbish abbreviations.
But the medico-legal part is pretty interesting. Medical negligence and claims. My first experience at subordinate court was ok i'd say. i almost dozed off at the first hearing i attended. but lots of homework for me to do. got to read up on the smc medical ethics and the hippocratic oath and stuff. haha i feel like i'm back to A's again. stressful but at least it keeps me occupied or i'm gonna be idle at home :)

My working desk. see the very lousy computer,but the laptop that i bring along with me to the subordinates is way cooler!! Earlgreytea is my daily companion or i'll probably doze off at work.

very very lovely juniors who organised a farewell chalet for us at costasands but sadly only a few of us turned up. got to know some juniors better like Alicia and Adeline. very sweet girls.

very very lovely juniors who organised a farewell chalet for us at costasands but sadly only a few of us turned up. got to know some juniors better like Alicia and Adeline. very sweet girls.
haha and thakyou Evon, Mich and Jing for the efforts. BBQ was fun, omg the marinated teriyaki chickenwings were uber delicious. didnt sleep much at the chalet cos they only had 2 pathetic beds, so Alicia and I had to share to sleep on one.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
on this fine sunday morning, Dr.yeo brought me to his church @ bethel presbyterian. so we all squeezed into his very huge family car. i felt kind of out of place at first cos i was the only outsider (besides the maid). but being with his family was such a joy. we got along pretty quickly. the kids are awesome, so bubbly and playful. sermon was okay but couldnt really understand at first. but i like bible-study there. A very traditional chuch (which i like). will probably settle down soon here i guess.
After which i went mala hotpot with Dr.yeo and his wife (wenyan) and Andrew (dr.yeo's brother). haha very weird combi but it was fun. andrew and me were suan-ing each other. The MALA was really hot. then went to his house for them to get changed and we headed down to allsaints home to mingle with the oldfolks. very interesting day and i really enjoyed myself.
once again, i really thank god for giving me this chance to be acquainted with them. (haha and as what dr.yeo said, ' It all started with the pimple on my thigh' Its God's plan.)
afterwhich, met my dear partner!!!

we had authentic chinese food. crystal jade for dinner :)

and qianyu says i'm obsessed in photography. but these ornaments are so cute, yeah?

we haven't met for eons since the horrible alevels started. yayy and we finally met on this fine sunday. haha and we stupidly paid for $9.50 (but what to do? jiaying is a busywoman!!!) to watch step up which was fantastic i'd say. the guy's hot ;)
we were basically roaming about the whole stretch of orchard road. orchard christmas lights are very pretty too and i was snapping away like an idiot (sorry dear!). can't wait for christmas again. haha and yes we trailed from one end of Lido to plaza singapura to marvel at the pretty lights,until we part for home. I'll miss you alot, girl. enjoy your trip in shanghai!!

suntec's christmas decor is uber gorgeous. so my schedule's been pretty hectic for the past week. i had to work on saturdays too cos medical aesthetics is really busy on saturdays especially. and i really pity my dear siau chooi who's been with Dr. Yeo for 2 years i think.
met kit after work and we headed down to suntec for hillsong worship concert @New Creation (invitation by mr.botak). yes it was quite good. the majority were wild and hyper but me and kit were kinda 'mild'. haha but i enjoyed myself though i was very very exhausted.
met kit after work and we headed down to suntec for hillsong worship concert @New Creation (invitation by mr.botak). yes it was quite good. the majority were wild and hyper but me and kit were kinda 'mild'. haha but i enjoyed myself though i was very very exhausted.
okay so it's time for a break for me, finally. pingpong farewell chalet tonight@ costa sands and it will be bangkok with the parents and granny tmr night. 930pm flight. and GENTING with the yeo's after bangkok (maybe, but unlikely) :) :) :)
alright, i'm late for work. Till then. GOD BLESS EVERYONE :D
alright, i'm late for work. Till then. GOD BLESS EVERYONE :D
Gracia: hey sweet, sorry very busy these few days. i promise i'll go swimming with you after i'm back from bangkok!
Fangli: SWEETHEART!! back from china? i miss you too. please contact me sooooooon k?
Amanda: If you happen to see this, a virtual reply that i'll be at your bday party!!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
SMILEeeeee : )

Jiaying is so clever. okay so i was SOOOOO damn tired after work,pomp on the bed immediately after i reached home, fell asleep holding my hp in my hand, while my hands were lying outside the bed. (papa thinks i look like a zombie, serious my position was funnnny!) haha probably too stressed at work, I think I hallucinated, thought i was disposing some rubbish at the clinic, so i released the phone in my hand and TA-DAH!! bleahhh it cracked open :(
The clinic people are uber fun to be with!! got to know a new friend Adrianne who is so willing to teach me stuff. but the accounting part is so tedious. swipe the ATM card, deposit cash, print queue list, stapler the receipts, chop and blahblah. ARGHH hate that. I think i'll bring with me a notebook tmr to jot down the steps. And i get free MEALS from our doctors (yong tau foo for today)!! But Dr.Goh is abit eccentric. weirdo cos he loves Geomancy? and he asked me to read this book called ICHING. okay and i got blistered fingers again :(
That's all. some bible-study before i really have to turn in early again :)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Today saw me as a trainee health assistant at central clinic. pretty fun. very very friendly and funky colleauges. cracking jokes all the time. suaning each other.and i bet they laugh louder than my maggi-mee changlili!! quite stressful though. they were busy looking for locums. not enough doctors so poor Dr. yeo had to come back though he was on leave. I learnt quite abit today i guess. picked up the procedures pretty quickly.registering patients, dispensing medicine and searching for the cards which can be rather tedious. blisters on my fingers. got cuts by the sharp aluminium medicine foil. but its pretty good exercise :)
You also get to experience encounters with problematic patients. There's this really rude lady who wanted to claim an insurance medical report and she just refused to pay that $50 cos she insist that she dont have to. Poor Ms. Lim and kaiting had to explain to her. showing her the SMA guidelines and blahblah. she made really harsh remarks on their service and it was quite scary!! I had a talk with the HR manager with regards to my commitment and stuff.i like her alot!! she's one of the most pretty mama i've seen :D
anyway, thanks to kaiting, Desmond, Grace and winnie for guiding me today. and not forgetting DR.YEO for introducing the job to me.haha and yes, for training me so hard, i wont possibly just run away like that la!! okay i'm tired. will have my beauty sleep now before i head to work at 7 tmr. BLEAH!!
goodnight & godbless!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Hidden Jewels of Maplewood :)
- this entry is also dedicated to qianyu dear cos she loves flowers!!!

(click on the images to enlarge)
Gorgeous flowers. so pleasing to the eyes. heals the soul. courtesy of uncle yeo (who is so passionate about plants and i simply admire him), Thanks for sharing with me gardening tips, you're indeed god-sent!,
As well as the rest of the members of the gardening club.

Here's presenting to you our very beautiful maplewood park. check out the interesting tree, 6 storeys high!! (looks like xmas tree, no?) And ultimate coolness, my new baby is so capable of taking pretty shots! macro mode is so SHARP.haha i actually got quite alot of stares from random ppl for crazily snapping away :) oh how i'll miss this wonderful haven if i were to leave this place. They have like all kind of varieties and i guess i can only name less than half of the varieties!!
so i had a really fruitful(literally) day at the market. i woke up really early so i was asked to run an errand for mummy. they had some flea market there and it was REALLY crowded.saw huimin setting up a stall, waving frantically to her but she couldnt see me :( wow it took me like almost 5mins to move from one end of the market to another. bought many many fruits and i finished 1/4 of them on my way home. :D
i wish every other day could be like this.
Arghh, posting photos on blogger is such a pain in the ass. i think i will still stick to photobucket and picasa. okay off to last bit of literature :D
OHNO i cant sleep!! had been hearing the squeaky lizard (somewhere near my bed)sound the whole night!! Its scary know?
I cant wait for the sun to rise so that i can go the garden downstairs (a newly opened one!) to see the flowers bloom. haha i am quite into gardening these days.(plus i think its fated for me to know uncle friendly..hmmm) arghhhh, i wish time will pass quickly. will go read up on persuasion now :D
This is our god, the servant king
he calls us now to follow him
To bring our lives, as a daily offering
Of worship to, the servant king
-this song's been running in my head.
Friday, November 17, 2006

the surreal.
okay i am finally back. Alevels had not ended but i self-declare that it ended eons ago. haha its so long and draggy. Papers were so-so, stop asking me about it!! haha and if you're observant enough, you'll realise that i'm the first one to dash out of the exam venue after every paper. Just dont like to discuss answers. even daddy thinks that i FLEW to his car.
Thanks ma and pa for being so understanding, i really did my best, so yes no matter what the outcome is, we'll just have to accept it!! God has been with me all this while. speaking of which, i better stop church-hopping. will be visiting joel's moriah, wanjui's aldersgate.Just want to enjoy myself and play like crazy till march. Bangkok and Taipei here i comeeeeeeee!! and darling fangli is jetting on the night of her last paper i think :D cool right? the wonderful JAMES had already flew to hongkong after his lastpaper, which is econs!! :(
And jiaying here is unemployed and poor. haha DR.Yeo, please employ me!! your manager havent contacted me yet :( HPB is giving me so much stress!!! :( haha see i'm so efficient, hunted for jobs even before the completion of my exams! But yeah actually need to pay my outstanding bills for my leg surgery by my very very nice neighbour, so yes i'll probably be a health assistant at his clinic. I'm actually quite excited about working but the job scope will be pretty physical. Arranging medicine? haha and that means i have to visit WANYANG more often. plus i want to earn money to buy my macbook, feel like being independent and not depend on pa and ma all the time! And also whitening my teeth with Germaine.
Recently saw me going crazy about running. 6km on average a day. no easy feat, but its all about endurance. Fortunately, my poor knee's recovering. Check out the interesting feature by .you can calculate your jogging route by plotting your route, kithwee told me casually on our macdonalds studytrip and i was pretty intrigued!! oh and yes, anyone wants to buy my standardchartered half???? letting it go at $30? cant go cos i going Bangkok!! yay cant wait for outing, partner!! miss ya. haha and please run to eastcoast with me. hey i just checked out streetdirectory, my hse to ur hse is only 5.7 km!!!

okay enough of my whole chunk of rants which simply summarise my last month of missing-in-action. check out my new Fujifilm f30, introduced by sukuen (her blog and her gorgeous pictures left me in awe, so i couldnt resist it and got myself one at simlim since my canon isus is ageing!!). The ISO 3200 is powerful. nightshots are crisp, clear without flash. but the downside is that its heavy and bulky. what to do? As long as it gives me pretty quality pictures, its still worthwhile, no? And after tuesday when i'm finally free, i'll go read up on Adobe photoshop. daddy very sweetly borrowed the book and disc from the library for me.
(haha cos he secretly wants to learn too but jus too busy. poor daddy!)
WOOOHOO, i just cant wait for tuesday. For now, some dickens before i go sleep and aerobics with mummy at maplewood tmr morning. goodnight!
and gosh i miss supper and night out with you.
sometimes i wish i could turn back time.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
HELLO!!!big hugs from me, press on darling!
sorry for hacking.
with love, claris